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Job boards · 19 min read

How to post a job on Google for Jobs in 2024

By Frans Lelivelt · Published on · Last updated on

Table of contents

Did you know posting job listings on Google for Jobs can help your business reach a wider audience and attract top-notch candidates? And the good part: It’s free!

Posting job listings on Google for Jobs can help your business reach a wider audience and attract top-notch candidates. And the good part: It’s free! There are 3 ways:

  1. Through third-party websites like LinkedIn or Indeed
  2. By adding structured data to your own career page
  3. With a free tool like JOIN that combines 1 and 2

That, and more, we’ll explain below. Here’s what’s included:

Table of contents

What is Google for Jobs?

Google for Jobs, an AI-powered search feature, aggregates job listings from various sources. This function simplifies the job search, providing the job seeker with relevant opportunities via Google Search. But it’s equally useful for you as employer or recruiter.

Google job posting for employers lets you connect with applicants globally when posting jobs. This is one of the reasons why this platform is particularly useful for global recruitment efforts.

Suggested read: How to hire employees from abroad

3  ways of posting job listings on Google for Jobs

Google for Jobs is not like most other job sites where you can post jobs to (it isn’t a Google job board). Instead, this platform requires a slightly different approach to get your job posting up and running. But not to worry. In this short guide, we’ll walk you through the process of how to post a job on Google.

Technically, job listings can be posted on Google for Jobs in two ways, each with its own benefits and challenges:

  1. You integrate the job listings on your website’s career page with Google by using structured data
  2. You publish your job ad to a third-party job site that’s integrated with Google

We’ll explain the steps involved in both in more detail further below.

But, alternatively, a “third option” is to use a free tool like JOIN, which:

  1. Gives you a free career page that’s auto-optimised for Google with structured data
  2. Lets you publish your job ads to 15+ free and/or 250+ premium job boards all from inside their multiposting tool

It allows you to post to Google for Jobs automatically and for free alongside a bunch of other free job boards. All applications you’ll receive – whether some saw your ad on Google or on one of the job boards you posted it – will be centralised inside your account, making application management a breeze!

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Alternative 1: Posting through third-party job sites

Third-party job sites, such as LinkedIn and Indeed, offer a quick and easy way to post job listings on Google for Jobs, as they are already integrated with the platform. Posting listings on these sites saves time and effort that would be spent setting up direct integration with Google.

Also read: How to post a job on LinkedIn and how to post a job on Indeed

When you post a job listing on a third-party site that has integrated with the Google job search engine, your listing becomes eligible to appear in Google for Jobs. Some more popular third-party job sites integrated with Google for Jobs include:

Using such job boards ensures that your job listings reach a wide audience and have the potential to attract top talent. This method is perfect for businesses that want to leverage the power of Google for Jobs without having to set up integration themselves.

Alternative 2: Direct integration with Google

Direct integration with Google requires adding structured data to your website’s job listings and following Google’s technical guidelines.

This method may involve hiring a software engineer if you don’t have the technical knowledge yourself. While it can be more challenging than using third-party job sites, direct integration gives you more control over your job listings and ensures that they are always up to date on Google for Jobs.

To add structured data to your website and post job listings on Google for Jobs, you can follow Google’s technical guidelines or outsource the process to a skilled developer. Direct integration allows you to bypass third-party sites and maintain full control over your job listings.

Implementing Google Sitemaps ensures that any changes made to job postings on your website are promptly reflected on Google’s jobs page. This ensures that filled job vacancies are accurately reflected on Google for Jobs, providing a smooth experience for both job seekers and employers.

How to post a job on Google from your website in 4 steps

To get the integration going, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. You first have to get your website ready with a dedicated page to post your job ads to. This generally starts with creating a careers page on your company’s website.
  2. Now your career site is live, it’s time to add jobs. You can either add job ads to the website yourself or use job ad software solutions, like JOIN’s free Job Widget, that help you do it.
  3. Include structured data. As mentioned, you may require technical help from a professional for this part.
  4. Keep it up-to-date with Google Sitemaps. This allows you to keep your job ads and your website in sync.

Tips on optimising your job postings for Google for Jobs success

For successful job postings on Google for Jobs, concentrate on creating compelling job titles, integrating SEO techniques, and improving readability and visual appeal.

These elements will not only make your job listings more attractive to potential candidates but also increase their visibility in Google search results.

Crafting compelling job titles

For high rankings on Google’s search results, it’s vital to create clear and recognisable job titles that accurately describe the position. Even if your company uses a different internal job title, it’s essential to choose a title that job seekers are likely to search for.

Some strategies for creating compelling job titles include incorporating relevant keywords, using specific and targeted titles, and emphasising company culture and benefits. These tactics will help draw in candidates who are compatible with your organisation and motivate them to apply for the position.

Attractive job titles help you:

  • Attract top talent to your company
  • Ensure a clear understanding of job duties and qualifications
  • Increase the chances of receiving applications from suitable candidates

By crafting compelling job titles and providing a clear job description, you’ll be one step closer to finding the perfect job seeker for your open position.

Incorporating SEO techniques

The visibility and ranking of job postings in Google Search results can be boosted by using relevant keywords and sticking to SEO best practices. This makes it easier for job seekers to find your job listings when they search for specific types of positions.

Examples of SEO techniques that can be included into job postings include using relevant keywords in the job title and description, optimising the URL structure, and ensuring that your job listings are mobile-friendly.

These tactics will help improve the visibility of your job postings on Google for Jobs and attract more qualified candidates. To make your job easier, you can use a job ad posting tool (like JOIN) that automatically ensures your job ad is not just posted to Google for Jobs but optimised for SEO.

Tools like Google Search Console can be used to evaluate the performance of job postings by assessing metrics such as click-through rate, application rate, and time-to-hire. By monitoring and analysing your job post-performance, you can make adjustments to your strategy as needed to improve visibility and attract the right candidates.

Improving readability and visual appeal

Enhancing readability and visual appeal offers several advantages, such as:

  • Better user experience
  • Increased engagement
  • Improved organisation and navigation
  • Increased accessibility

By improving your job ads, you increase the likelihood of engagement from job seekers and application submissions for the positions.

Using bulleted lists, H2 and H3 tags, and incorporating video or images in your job ads can help improve readability and visual appeal. These elements make it easier for job seekers to quickly understand the position and requirements, increasing the chances that they will apply.

Including key traits and duties relevant to the position in bulleted lists can also help improve search results. By focusing on enhancing readability and visual appeal, you’ll provide a better experience for job seekers and increase the chances of finding the perfect candidate for your open position.

Ensuring compliance with Google’s guidelines

To ensure compliance with Google’s guidelines, avoid posting irrelevant, incomplete, or expired jobs, and refrain from using vulgar language or misrepresenting the position or company. Job adverts that require a fee to apply are forbidden on Google for Jobs.

Prohibited activities on this platform include:

  • Posting irrelevant content
  • Incomplete job listings
  • Expired job postings
  • Job postings requiring payment to apply
  • Vulgar language
  • Misrepresentation of the position or company
  • Advertising disguised as a job posting.

Adherence to Google’s guidelines ensures the continuous presence of your job listings on Google for Jobs, attracting potential candidates. See Google’s own documentation for the full list of job posting content policies.

More job posting solutions

Posting job listings on Google for Jobs is an effective way to reach a wider audience and attract top talent for your open positions.

By following this step-by-step guide and optimising your job postings with compelling titles, SEO techniques, and improved readability, you’ll increase the visibility of your job listings and ensure success in your recruitment efforts.

So, leverage the power of Google for Jobs and make your recruitment process more efficient and effective!

Looking for even more job posting and talent attraction solutions? Then check out our guide: 5 best talent acquisition software solutions!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I post a job on Google?

Yes, although it works different from most other job websites. With most job sites, you create an account, build a job ad, and publish your job ad. To publish a job on Google, you have two options:

  1. Ensure your own career page contains structured data so Google can automatically pull the listing from your site
  2. Use a third-party job site, like LinkedIn, that already integrates with Google

For a detailed explanation, see the above section on posting job listings.

How do you post a job to Google?

To post a job to Google, start by adding job listing structured data to your job page. Then, publish the open positions on your website and use sitemaps to let Google know when you’ve added or removed jobs. Finally, monitor your results on Google Search Console.

Alternatively, you can use a third-party website or, even easier, a tool that does it for you like JOIN’s free recruitment software.

Does it cost money to post a job on Google?

Google for Jobs is a free service offered to employers who post jobs through partner sites, such as LinkedIn and Indeed, or for employers with their own career page. This allows employers to post job openings on Google without incurring any costs.

How do I get my job to show up on Google search?

To make your job appear on Google search, create a website with crawlable and indexable content, publish your job postings on your career portal, add job listing structured data to your career page, and use sitemaps to quickly inform Google of any changes.

How can I create compelling job titles for my job postings?

Create job titles that are easily recognisable and accurately describe the position to attract more job seekers. Ensure all job titles are free of any cliches or boring boilerplate text.

What SEO techniques can I incorporate into my job postings?

Incorporate relevant keywords into the job title and description, optimise URL structures for better ranking, and ensure your job postings are mobile-friendly for maximum reach.

Frans Lelivelt

Frans Lelivelt

Frans is JOIN's multilingual Senior Content Manager. His main topic of interest in the recruitment space is DEI and how companies can reduce their (unconscious) biases to make the world of work a fairer, kinder place for everyone. Outside of work, he tries to do the same for animals, spending much of his spare time in the kitchen preparing plant-based feasts.

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