Talent.com job posting

Talent.com has positioned itself as one of the top employment platforms around the world. They focus on centralising all jobs across the web and offer a diverse range of jobs for all candidates. Candidates can search by keywords, most recently posted jobs, by company, or by source i.e. from job boards, companies, or recruitment agencies. Talent also has a salary calculator and can estimate the amount of tax-deductible to give a realistic overall wage.

Sign up and start posting on Talent.com
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    Entire Job Market

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talent.com job posting entry page

35+ million


60+ million

Advantages and disadvantages of Talent.com

Is hiring through Talent.com the right fit for your organization? Take a look at some pros and cons of posting your job to Talent:.com


  • There is a free job ad posting option
  • Easy to measure and track your job ad analytics
  • A diverse target audience across the globe
  • Candidates can use the quick apply option making it faster for you to start receiving applications


  • Posting doesn’t reach all the qualified candidates unless recruiters sponsor their ads

Easily post job ads on Talent.com with us


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Trusted by over 100,000 companies worldwide

  • Source and attract top talent

    Craft perfect job ads, get your own custom career page, and multipost your job ad on hundreds of job boards.

  • Screen and interview your candidates

    Create custom assessments, collaborate with hiring scorecards, and schedule interviews effortlessly.

  • Manage and track all in one tool

    Track incoming applications, centralise communication with candidates and your team, and enjoy smart automations and integrations.

Platform Comparisons

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Frequently Asked Questions

Your job advertisement remains visible until you archive it in JOIN.

Yes, recruiters can post job ads for positions in over 78 countries.