LinkedIn job posting

LinkedIn is one of the largest professional social networking platforms with over 750 million members in more than 200 countries. Members are considered very active and can build their professional network, make contacts, learn about trends as well as events and realize new career opportunities. Its base includes all levels of professionals across a broad range of industries, many of whom are advanced degree holders.

Sign up and start posting on LinkedIn
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    Entire Job Market

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260 million

57+ million

15+ million

Advantages and disadvantages of LinkedIn

Is hiring through LinkedIn the right fit for you? Make a more informed decision by taking a look at some pros and cons of posting your job to LinkedIn.


  • Ability to reach passive candidates who might be open to new opportunities they come across while spending time on the platform
  • Easy to search jobs with filters for keywords, titles, location, and further narrow down via the Advanced Search option
  • Candidates receive relevant job recommendations based on their qualifications and experience listed in their profiles
  • Job seekers can see who they know at your company when they click on your job ads
  • Candidates can get daily job alert emails with newly posted jobs meeting their search criteria
  • Directly post to your company page by connecting your account in JOIN
  • Candidates can use the LinkedIn app to search and apply to jobs on the go


  • Job posts face high competition due to total volume of ads and the many well-known companies posting jobs
  • As a generalist job search site it’s not optimal for niche industries or those targeting candidates for technical roles

Easily post job ads on LinkedIn with us


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Trusted by over 100,000 companies worldwide

  • Source and attract top talent

    Craft perfect job ads, get your own custom career page, and multipost your job ad on hundreds of job boards.

  • Screen and interview your candidates

    Create custom assessments, collaborate with hiring scorecards, and schedule interviews effortlessly.

  • Manage and track all in one tool

    Track incoming applications, centralise communication with candidates and your team, and enjoy smart automations and integrations.

Platform Comparisons

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, there is no restriction regarding the job industry, and LinkedIn members encompass a wide range of sectors. However, as it is a more general directory, typically more traditional job ads like those in Marketing or Sales often attract more candidates than those for technical roles or niche industries.

As many factors are at play, it’s not possible to determine how many applications your job posts will receive. The success of your job ads can be related to a number of influences, including how strong your employer brand is, the level of experience required for the job, the industry, the location, among other things. In some cases, however, it is not uncommon to receive a high volume of applications.

Yes, your job will be automatically posted to your LinkedIn company page if you have entered the link to your company profile in JOIN. To check that you have entered the correct link, go to Company and then click on ‘External Profiles’.

There are different possibilities for how long your paid job postings can be seen. For example, JOIN currently offers options including single postings for 7-day or 30-day terms, and 365-day slots for multiple jobs.

Anyone searching for jobs on LinkedIn can see your job postings. Your job post will automatically appear on your LinkedIn company page if you have entered the link to your company profile in JOIN. LinkedIn also uses multiple touch points to recommend your job ads to relevant candidates, some of which depend on the job seekers individual account settings. Your job posts therefore might be recommended to candidates via email and/or mobile push notifications, or through the “Jobs You May Be Interested in” feature.