StepStone job posting

StepStone is one of the largest generalist job boards in Germany and the European Union — it does not have a particular relevance to specific industries or positions and therefore has a broad range of job ads as well as a wide reach.

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    Entire Job Market

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Stepstone find jobs job posting

16+ million

67+ million


Advantages and disadvantages of StepStone

Is hiring through StepStone the right fit for you? What are the benefits for recruiters and candidates? We’ve put together some pros and cons to help you make a more informed decision:


  • Easy to use
  • Leveraging AI to match jobs with candidates
  • Filtering options: Salary, full-time/part-time, city, work experience
  • Job Agent informs registered candidates whose search profile matches a job ad by email about the publication of the new ad.
  • International job board: active in 140 countries — including 27 EU member states
  • “Refresh service”: job listing will be updated after 15 days. This means your ad is always highly visible in StepStone search results.
  • Candidates get useful information on how to improve their applications
  • Job search with the Stepstone mobile app is easy and intuitive


  • Premium only — there are no free job advertisements available
  • High prices

Easily post job ads on Stepstone with us


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Trusted by over 100,000 companies worldwide

  • Source and attract top talent

    Craft perfect job ads, get your own custom career page, and multipost your job ad on hundreds of job boards.

  • Screen and interview your candidates

    Create custom assessments, collaborate with hiring scorecards, and schedule interviews effortlessly.

  • Manage and track all in one tool

    Track incoming applications, centralise communication with candidates and your team, and enjoy smart automations and integrations.

Platform Comparisons

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Frequently Asked Questions

The success of a job ad depends on many factors: some of those depend on the region of your advertised job ad, the type of job ad you are publishing, the season, location but also if the title is too long or short.

As a founding member of THE NETWORK, StepStone is part of the world’s largest career network. THE NETWORK is an amalgamation of leading online job platforms that offers access to more than 400 million registered candidates in 140 countries, including 27 EU states.

Yes, there’s special pricing for job ad postings targeted to find qualified candidates who are looking for internships or opportunities to work next to their studies (max. 20 hours/week).

Job ads are visible for 30 days by default.

If you choose to invest into the ‘Professional’ package for 30 days, then your job ad will automatically be refreshed and updated after 15 days. This means that your job ad will move up to the top again, thus being more visible to users.

Of course, there is no guarantee that you will find suitable candidates based on your premium job ad — but the fact is that it is the basis for generating a certain reach and visibility.

However, if you decide to use JOIN to create and advertise job ads, you will gain exciting insights from us that will show you whether certain job boards are worthwhile for you or not.

We use our extensive data and technology to help you decide where best to invest your money. We analyze and recommend specific job boards and platforms in a data-driven way to help you find the right candidate faster.