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The dos and don’ts of remote job ads—4 of the best remote job ads on JOIN

By Amber Denwood · Published on

Remote jobs are becoming increasingly popular. And, with the cost benefits home office jobs offer to companies, along with the work-life balance benefits working from home offers to employees, this shouldn’t come as a surprise.

But, just as hiring a remote employee is different from hiring for an in-house role, advertising for a home office job is different from recruiting for an in-house role too. 

When advertising for an in-office role, emphasis can be placed on the culture in the office. Benefits such as the technology, furnishings, and even the office location can be used to entice future employees and to the company’s advantage. However, this isn’t the case for remote roles. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

However, these differences don’t mean you can just let the quality drop when posting remote job ads. With fewer employees wanting to return to the office (see our article on The Great Return for more details), more businesses are beginning to offer remote positions. This means there is now more competition when hiring remote employees than ever before.

So, attracting remote employees with your job ads should be becoming a priority in your business. But, what benefits can you list for remote employees? How do the requirements differ for remote employees? And, what will make your ad stand out?

To help you answer these questions, and to give you some inspiration on where to start with your ads, we’ve rounded up some of the best remote working job ads we’ve seen at JOIN.

SoSafe – Excellent social inclusion of remote employees

Screenshot of SoSafe job advertisement

SoSafe works hard to ensure businesses are educated and prepared when it comes to cybersafety. They provide tailored learning experiences and cyberattack simulations, to help teams improve their approaches to these situations.

What makes SoSafe’s remote job ad effective?

SoSafe have an excellent selection of benefits in the ‘Why us?’ section of their job ad, which truly makes them stand out from the crowd. One of these benefits is their networking and community formats, which include team ‘mystery lunches’ and tech talks. This helps candidates imagine their experience at the company, and assess whether the social aspect of the team is up to their expectations.

With remote roles, there is always a worry that these employees may miss out on the social and networking aspects of the office. However, SoSafe have made it clear in their job ad that remote employees will receive the same opportunities in this area.

This is done with the simple addition of “(virtual and physical)” within the networking benefit point (as shown below).

Screenshot of SoSafe benefits section

See all roles at SoSafe here.

Keylight – Ensure your remote team is seen

Keylight banner image form website screenshot

Keylight are a subscription business platform that focuses on helping clients build long-lasting customer relationships with their subscribers.

What makes Keylight’s remote job ad effective?

Keylight ensures that their remote employees know that they will have an opportunity to meet their team members within the job advertisement. They do this by highlighting that regular team events, trips, and visits to international locations are part of the benefits at Keylight.

This shows that while the role is remote, face to face contact with team members around the world is possible. Plus, the offer of international trips and visits shows that the company is willing to invest in their relationship with remote employees.

Screenshot of Keylight benefits section

See all roles at Keylight here.

Emporix – Mentioning the ability to motivate yourself

Screenshot of Emporix' website banner

Emporix are a digital commerce platform who allow businesses to access data insights, and use these to automate digital commerce actions in real-time.

What makes Emporix’ remote job ad effective?

One difference between work from home roles and in-office jobs is that the motivation and drive to perform is much more on the employee themselves in a remote work environment.

This is something that Emporix have drawn attention to within their remote role job ad.

Screenshot of Emporix' requirements section

This can be seen in the final point of their ‘you should apply if’ section, where it is mentioned that the ability of the candidate to motivate themselves and work independently is important. Therefore, the candidate can expect that being a self-starter is extra significant in this type of role.

See all roles at Emporix here.

Vicoland – Emphasis on the diversity aspect

Screenshot of Vicoland website banner

Vicoland gives companies the opportunity to hire high-quality teams of freelancers, which function and complete projects like a real company. These teams cover all areas, from web development to video production.

What makes Vicoland’s remote job ad effective?

A great perk of having a remote team, or hiring for remote roles, is that it will increase the reach of your diversity recruiting strategy. This increased diversity is something that Vicoland emphasise in their remote job ad.

Screenshot of Vicoland job ad

Here you can see that Vicoland have employees all across Europe, as mentioned in the last sentence of their company introduction “a team of 25+ people, located across Europe”.

This not only gives the remote candidate an idea of the diverse company culture, but may also encourage them to apply regardless of where in the world they are located.

Amber Denwood

Amber Denwood

Amber Denwood was a Content Manager at JOIN. She mostly wrote about employer branding, trying to help companies to understand how they can improve their image.

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