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Glossary: HR & Recruiting Definitions

What is a hiring pipeline?


The hiring pipeline gives an overview of the different stages a candidate goes through during the interview and assessment period. The first stage in the pipeline is the application, proceeding to screening, interviewing and assessment, and ending with a rejection or an offer. 

The exact number of steps within each stage of the hiring pipeline can vary. It can depend on factors such as the number of interviews included in a company’s interview process, or whether a candidate assessment is required.

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How can you evaluate the success of your hiring pipeline?

A well-managed hiring pipeline allows you to evaluate your overall recruiting strategy and process. Taking a closer look at each stage in the candidate pipeline enables you to see what is working well and which areas need improvement.

For example, by using JOIN, you can identify how effective and cost-efficient your hiring pipeline is by determining:

The added value of a well-managed hiring pipeline

The benefits of setting up an effective hiring pipeline extend beyond quickly finding the right candidate to fill a job vacancy. Your hiring pipeline also provides value by helping to build your candidate pool.

As you can only hire one candidate per position, filter the other qualified applicants into your talent pool to reconnect with in the future if a similar role opens up. 

By using an ATS like JOIN you can always search and filter your candidate database to quickly see if you already have a good fit for an open role.

The job pipeline is also an opportunity to strengthen your employer branding. If candidates don’t have a positive experience during your process, it will reflect poorly on your brand. One way to ensure a positive candidate experience is by timely responding to all applicants, even those who will not be moving forward. JOIN makes it easy to communicate with candidates through automated messaging.

Find out more about how JOIN can help you attract and manage talented candidates more effectively by having a look through this overview of the many features JOIN has to offer.

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