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Glossary: HR & Recruiting Definitions

What is HR software?


Human Resources software, or HR software, is a digital solution that helps those working in the field of Human Resources carry out and complete their tasks more efficiently. HR software solutions help manage and optimize HR processes for all kinds of organizations, from large companies to small businesses. 

HR software is also known as a Human Resources Management System (HRMS), Human Resources Information System (HRIS), and Human Capital Management (HCM) software.

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Cloud-based vs. on-premise HR software

Online HR software is either cloud-based or an on-premise solution. Choosing an HR system is usually based on cost, features, integration, and ease of use. Here is a quick overview of both HR solutions:

Cloud-based HR software

  • Data is managed and maintained on a remote server
  • Access via logging into an internet browser
  • Reduced upfront costs as it operates virtually but incur subscription-based fees 
  • Fast to get started and easy to use

On-premise HR software

  • Managed and maintained by IT team on company premise
  • Installed and implemented on company premises
  • Upfront cost of purchasing license — no subscription fees
  • Can customize software to the needs of the business

What are the features or functions of HR software?

The features and functionalities of digital HR solutions will vary. What an HR system offers depends on whether it’s a comprehensive tool or a solution that focuses on a specific aspect of Human Resources tasks, like recruiting or payroll management. 

Typically, HR software offers some or all of the following features and/or functions:

  • Talent attraction or talent management
  • Applicant tracking through recruiting and hiring processes
  • Personnel tracking 
  • Payroll, benefits administration, or compensation management
  • Onboarding and training management
  • Employee self-services 
  • Performance management 
  • Employee data and workforce management 

What are the benefits of HR software for SMBs?

HR software reduces the time and energy HR teams spend on minor day-to-day and repetitive administrative tasks, enabling more effective productivity and focus on long-term goals. 

Some benefits HR software tools offer Small to Medium-sized businesses are:

  • Streamlining workflows
  • Automation of manual tasks
  • Better organization and access to official documents and employee data 
  • Creating data-driven reports for more accurate HR analytics

How much does HR software cost?

As a variety of tools are available, it’s impossible to estimate how much HR software costs. Some HR software platforms ask for a flat fee, while others use subscription-based pricing models based, for example, on the number of users or organizational size. There are free HR software tools available, yet these often have limited functionalities and do not provide any tech support.

What is HR recruiting software?

HR recruiting software tools streamline or automate parts of the recruitment workflow. Their functionalities provide ways to source, screen, manage and track job applicants through the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring process. HR recruitment software also enables users to post job advertisements to job boards and manage the applications received from various job search sites all in one place. 

For example, JOIN is an HR software solution that especially helps startups and SMBs streamline recruiting and hiring. With JOIN, employers or recruiters can create one job ad, multipost it to various job boards and platforms, and manage all applications and candidates in one place.

Benefits of using HR recruiting software for small businesses

Many Small to Medium-sized Businesses don’t have an official HR department. Instead, it is not uncommon for HR-related tasks and responsibilities to be owned by the office manager or shared with several teams. Using a digital HR solution, whether for talent attraction or applicant tracking and management, helps to streamline recruitment processes easily.

  • No more paper-based resumes
  • Reduce time to hire
  • No more spreadsheets
  • Avoid an inbox full of applications

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