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What is employer branding?


Employer branding is the practice of managing and influencing your employer brand to attract, recruit and retain employees.

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What is an employer brand?

An employer brand comprises how your organization is viewed as an employer and your employee value proposition. Also called a “talent brand” or “recruiting brand,” an employer brand communicates the essence of how and why your brand is unique and outlines what your organization stands for to attract like-minded job candidates. In general, an employer brand sends a positive message that your organization is a good employer that offers a great workplace. 

What is an employer value proposition?

An employer value proposition (EVP) incorporates your organization’s mission, values, and culture and gives current and potential employees a compelling reason to work for you. It’s also everything you offer as an employer in exchange for the skills and experience employees provide. Before you can move forward with your employer branding strategy, your company benefits must be well-defined, established, and proven successful with your current employees. 

Why is employer branding important?

When done well, employer branding helps attract and retain the best talent and helps save money and time when recruiting and hiring. Here are some benefits of employer branding:

  • More applications: A positive employer brand is likely to increase the number of applications you receive for job openings.
  • Faster recruiting: Candidates want to know about an organization’s company culture and values. Effective brand storytelling helps you find and make new hires with less effort, as candidates will seek your company out themselves. 
  • Less rejection and more retention: A positive reputation as a good employer means job offers are more likely to be accepted. In turn, offering a desirable EVP means better employee retention and can even increase referrals.  

Employer branding tips for startups and SMBs

Here are three tips for how you can improve and support your employer brand management strategy:

Build a better career site

Your career site is a significant touchpoint to potential candidates, so consider content beyond job postings. For example, create a company blog or short videos showcasing employee stories and what it’s like to work for your brand. Candidates want to have a real feeling of what your company looks like from the inside. Your career site is where you can dial in and differentiate your employer brand message.

Consider the candidate experience

How you are perceived during the recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and onboarding process affects your employer brand. Ensure applicants are treated well in each phase with timely responses, clear feedback, and consistent communication. 

Pay attention to online reviews

Nowadays, job seekers openly share details about their candidate experience via online reviews on job search platforms. Reading your reviews on sites like Glassdoor or kununu (for those based in Germany) helps evaluate and optimize your employer branding efforts. Develop a practice of responding to negative reviews, as it provides a chance to regain a positive impression.

Establish a presence on social networks

Use top social media and professional social networking sites to amplify your employer brand and showcase your company culture. Establish a positive presence on top sites like LinkedIn, XING, and Facebook. Be strategic and focus your efforts on platforms that align best with your corporate brand and where your most relevant potential candidates are active. 

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