How WeVenture hires better talent faster with JOIN

Alina Langhammer

Alina Langhammer

HR Manager

35 %

Increase in applications

-20 %


-30 %



WeVenture is an agency specialized in marketing and digital transformation based in Berlin. WeVenture translates economic goals into holistic digital strategies and creat…

WeVenture is an agency specialized in marketing and digital transformation based in Berlin. WeVenture translates economic goals into holistic digital strategies and creates a platform for innovation where partners, entrepreneurs, and experts meet on equal footing and shape digital transformation together. At a total of 3 locations, around 40 colleagues from 7 nations work on getting the best out of their clients’ online performance in the areas of search engine advertising, search engine optimization, social media advertising and conversion rate optimization. The Digital Transformation business unit lays the foundations for innovative business models and services of tomorrow — this is where digital models are developed and tested, right through to implementation in operations. As a 100% equity-financed group of companies, WeVentures is an independent partner and is also dedicated to its own ventures.


  • Advertising


  • Germany


  • 2015

Team size

  • 40

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35 %

Increase in applications

-20 %


-30 %


Table of contents

The Challenge

Find suitable candidates quickly and easily and manage applications centrally

When WeVenture decided to use JOIN, the company was looking for a complementary multiposting tool in addition to the HR-software Personio. The aim was to find a solution that allows to post job ads as widely as possible and find qualified candidates quickly and easily. 

In addition, the application management and the sending of rejection messages should be simplified in order to structure the hiring pipeline and make the recruiting process more efficient.

“The automation of rejection messages is a big plus of JOIN. No time is wasted and candidates receive feedback on their application in no time.”

Alina Langhammer

Alina Langhammer

HR Manager

The Solution

WeVenture uses JOIN to publish job ads widely and to keep the hiring pipeline manageable

Reach qualified candidates easily and quickly with multiposting

JOIN makes it easy for WeVenture to create job ads in the job editor and publish them with just a few clicks. Multiposting ensures that not only more potential candidates are reached, but more importantly the right ones, as job ads are shared on relevant job boards.

Better applicant and rejection management with JOIN

With JOIN, Alina keeps track of everything: All applications received — regardless of the channel — are collected centrally in JOIN and can be seen at a glance. Managing applications is thus greatly simplified, and initial decisions as to whether a candidate is suitable for the position or not can be made quickly.

In addition, with JOIN, rejection messages no longer have to be written and sent separately — all it takes is one click and the message is automatically sent to the applicant in compliance with data privacy. The result? A neat hiring pipeline as well as a positive candidate experience, as candidates receive feedback quickly.

Filling key positions faster with premium job ads

To fill key positions, WeVenture also relies on premium job boards and bundles in addition to JOIN’s free offers.

The experience with premium job ads is very positive, as the number of applications is significantly higher and positions with high priority or a target group that is more difficult to reach can be (re-)filled faster. At WeVenture, the monthly budget for premium job ads is €500 and is invested as needed.

An efficient recruitment process with JOIN

On average, the recruitment process at WeVenture takes 2 to 3 weeks and looks like this: 

Step 1: Create a job ad with JOIN’s job editor 

Step 2: Multipost via JOIN 

Step 3: Screen and manage applications in JOIN — changing the status (qualified / not qualified) 

Step 4: Transfer qualified candidates into internal tool for the hiring process 

Step 5: Job interviews via phone and in person, trial work if necessary

Step 6: Making the hiring decision

We’ve helped WeVenture substantially

WeVenture has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years

35 %

Increase in applications

-20 %


-30 %


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