JOIN helps Leapsome finding the right talent to enable rapid growth

Claire Rosenthal

Claire Rosenthal

Team Lead People & Culture

100 %

Doubling hires each year

-20 %


30 %

Increase in applications


Leapsome is the platform for Performance Management & Employee Engagement. CEOs and HR / People Operations teams in forward-thinking companies including Trivago, Mercedes…

Leapsome is the platform for Performance Management & Employee Engagement. CEOs and HR / People Operations teams in forward-thinking companies including Trivago, Mercedes-Benz and Tado choose Leapsome to enhance their people management processes and help them develop, empower and enable employees. Leapsome combines tools for Goals & OKRs Management, Performance Reviews and 360s, Employee Engagement Surveys, Feedback & Praise, and 1-on-1 Meetings into one easy to use platform. Leapsome was founded in 2016 by Jenny von Podewils and Kajetan von Armansperg in Berlin, and in 2018 was listed as one of the 100 most innovative startups of Germany by The Hundert.


  • Human Resources,
  • Startup,
  • Tech


  • Germany


  • 2016

Team size

  • 30

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100 %

Doubling hires each year

-20 %


30 %

Increase in applications

Table of contents

The Challenge

To increase their rapid growth by finding the right candidates with specific characteristics

When Leapsome decided to use JOIN, they did not have a Talent Attraction Software or an Applicant Tracking System. There was a lack of resources to research and post job ads manually on many different channels. It was also difficult to predict the job board performance for the different open roles and if investing in premium job ads would increase the chances of finding the right hires.

“JOIN gives you the advantage of keeping track of all channels — I know which application came in through which channel and can measure the success.”

Claire Rosenthal

Claire Rosenthal

Team Lead People & Culture

The Solution

Increased number of qualified applications through multiposting to the right channels

It became clear that recruiting tasks and challenges had to be managed in one central place and integrated into the company’s hiring process. With that in mind, a closer cooperation started between JOIN and Leapsome with Leapsome being one of the earliest customers of JOIN. Leapsome started to create their job ads in JOIN and posted them simultaneously to relevant job boards — with just a few clicks.

How better targeting allowed finding highly specific candidates

Due to better targeting and using the right channels, Leapsome could quickly increase its reach and see an increase in the number of qualified applications.

Application tracking allowed better management

As a result of working in JOIN, it was easier for Leapsome’s HR team to keep an overview of all channels and, specifically, which applications came in via which channel. Tracking applications across job boards became more efficient as all are collected and managed within JOIN.

Investment in paid job ads for high-priority positions

Leapsome also invests in premium job ads to fill open vacancies quicker — especially for high-priority jobs in Sales, where the target group is often difficult to reach. The budget starts from €600 and jobs are mainly posted on LinkedIn and Indeed, whereas LinkedIn is currently the most relevant channel.


What does the recruitment process look like with JOIN?

Step 1: Create a profile of the ideal candidate & create a job ad

Step 2: Multupost via JOIN to relevant job boards

Step 3: Screen all applications in JOIN

Step 4: Start of a multi-stage hiring process with a 1st interview

Step 5: 2nd interview with solving a case study. There might be 3rd and 4th interviews if necessary

Step 6: Reference calls 

The duration of the whole process lasts 2-3 weeks on average.

We’ve helped Leapsome substantially

Leapsome has experienced phenomenal growth over the past 4 years: In this period of time, the number of employees has doubled every year.

100 %

Doubling hires each year

-20 %


30 %

Increase in applications

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