Sales Associate Job Description

Are you asking yourself, what is a Sales Associate? We’ve got you. Sales Associates are experienced sales professionals who will use their excellent people skills to network with customers or clients and sell products.

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What is a Sales Associate’s job description?

A Sales Associate is often the person who will be responsible for liaising with potential customers. They will be answering each and every question a prospective client may have, ensuring they rave about any USPs of the product they’re selling. As such, they’ll know the ins and outs of their product or service perfectly.

Essential parts of a Sales Associate’s job description:

  • Sales Associates work closely with the Sales Manager and other sales reps in formulating sales strategies, while often collaborating with other customer-facing departments (e.g. Marketing or Customer Support) as well.
  • Their role is extremely customer-focussed and they need to know the product or service in detail to be able to sell it to the customer.
  • Sales Associates should have previous experience in a sales environment, for example as a Sales Assistant.
  • Sales Associates often work in retail where they are in the store and on the floor to try and sell the product or service to any (potential) customers.

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Sales Associate Job Description Example

  • Be clear in your description. Know the tasks of the role and ideally who the candidate should be.
  • This means you won’t need to read through too many CVs to find your superstar.
  • You might be tempted to use bullet points in this section, but resist the urge! Tell a story, show off all the cool things they would be responsible for, and get them excited to apply.
  • You should be more focused on your company culture and what your mission is, instead of their daily tasks.

About the role




Are you a dedicated sales professional with previous experience in a competitive sales role? Do you work best when networking with customers? Can you quickly and effectively relay information and USPs and convert this into potential sales? If so, we’ve got the perfect position for you!

We’re looking for a driven Sales Associate to join our team at {Company Name}! You’ll be working closely with our existing Sales Assistants and Sales Manager to help meet our sales targets and grow this already successful business. You’ll work directly with customers in a face-to-face environment, so communication skills are essential.

You’ll also help the Sales Manager in improving and implementing new procedures, so there’s plenty of room for growth!
Du bist ein engagierter Vertriebsprofi mit tadellosen Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und Erfahrung in einer wettbewerbsorientierten Verkaufsfunktion? Du blühst auf, wenn du mit Kunden in Kontakt kommst? Du kannst schnell und effektiv Informationen und Alleinstellungsmerkmale kommunizieren und Leads in Kunden konvertieren? Wenn ja, haben wir die perfekte Stelle für dich!

Wir suchen einen leidenschaftlichen Sales Associate (m/w/d) zur Verstärkung unseres Teams bei {Name des Unternehmens}! In enger Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Vertriebsassistenten und unserem Vertriebsleiter wirst du dazu beitragen, unsere Verkaufsziele zu erreichen und unser bereits erfolgreiches Unternehmen weiter auszubauen. Du unterstützt den Vertriebsleiter bei der Verbesserung bestehender und der Implementierung neuer Verfahren und schaffst so Raum für Wachstum!
  • This section is all about your candidate's experience and responsibilities. You should outline very clearly what they should expect from the job role, not from the company itself. 
  • You should use language that speaks to the candidate directly, use of “you”, “we” and “our” are all positives. 
  • Hard skills in this section are important, but don’t overlook the significance of soft skills, like communication and being a team player, these can make a huge difference to the way people work alongside each other and gel professionally. 
  • What do you believe in, and what are your core values?

Sales Associate Responsibilities




When creating your advert, bear in mind that these are just example Sales Associate duties and should be used as a guide. It’s important to think ‘what is a Sales Associate’ in terms of your company needs and answer the question when editing the job description below.

• Work directly with customers in order to increase sales.
• Working to targets to ensure these growth goals are met.
• Ensuring you know the details on our products and can confidently relay these.
• Closely collaborating with the team to improve procedures.
• Promoting limited time deals to customers.
• Handling payments from customers in an efficient and professional manner.
• Upselling to customers where possible.
• Handle inventory control to ensure we are never low on stock.
Wenn Sie Ihre Stellenanzeige schreiben, sollten Sie bedenken, dass es sich hierbei nur um ein Beispiel für die Aufgaben eines Sales Associates handelt, das als Orientierungshilfe dienen soll. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie die Stellenbeschreibung bearbeiten und an Ihre unternehmensspezifischen Anforderungen anpassen.

• Du arbeitest direkt mit den Kunden zusammen, um den Umsatz zu steigern.
• Du hast stets unsere Zielvorgaben im Blick und stellst sicher, dass unsere Wachstumsziele auch erreicht werden.
• Du stellst sicher, dass du die Details unserer Produkte kennst und diese selbstbewusst weitergeben kannst.
• Du arbeitest eng mit dem Team zusammen, um die unsere Abläufe zu optimieren.
• Du bewirbst aktiv zeitlich begrenzte Angebote für Kunden.
• Du kümmerst dich auf effiziente und professionelle Weise um die Zahlungen der Kunden.
• Du betreibst Upselling, wenn möglich.
• Du verantwortest die Überwachung des Lagerbestands, um sicherzustellen, dass wir lieferfähig bleiben.
  • This section is essential to finding the candidate with the skills and qualifications that will help them in their job role.
  • This should be clear and concise and set boundaries for submissions.
  • The more information you add to your skills section, the less candidates you’ll have to sift through to find the right one.
  • This would waste both your time and the potential candidate so avoid being wordy as much as possible. Think about what would be an essential part of this role, and what would the applicant need to be successful in the job?

Sales Associate Requirements




When noting in your Sales Associate job description the resume skills you want to see, be sure to remember these are just examples. Your business may need different qualifications or talents, so edit this draft accordingly in order to have an accurate overview.

• Proven experience in a Sales Assistant or Associate role.
• Excellent people skills.
• Strong negotiation ability.
• Experience handling payments.
• Great organisation and time management skills.
• Ability to work independently as well as alongside a sales team.
• Strong mathematical ability.
• Flexible availability.
• Track record of hitting or exceeding targets.
Bei den nachfolgenden Qualifikationen handelt es sich um Beispielanfordernungen. Ihr Unternehmen benötigt möglicherweise andere Qualifikationen oder Talente. Wenn Sie in Ihrer Stellenbeschreibung für Sales Associates die gewünschten Qualifikationen aufführen, passen Sie diesen Entwurf bitte entsprechend Ihrer Bedürfnisse an.

• Du bringst Berufserfahrung als Sales Associate, Sales Assistant oder einer anderen Vertriebstätigkeit mit.
• Du verfügst über ausgezeichnete soziale Kompetenzen und starkes Verhandlungsgeschick.
• Du hast Erfahrung im Zahlungsmanagement.
• Du zeichnest dich durch hervorragende Organisations- und Zeitmanagementfähigkeiten aus.
• Du bist in der Lage, sowohl selbstständig als auch mit einem Verkaufsteam zu arbeiten.
• Du bringst ausgeprägte mathematische Fähigkeiten mit.
• Du bist agil und flexibel.
• Du kannst eine Erfolgsbilanz im Hinblick auf die Erreichung oder Übererfüllung von Zielen vorweisen.

Need inspiration?

Your job description will not attract talent all on its own. So when putting together your job post, be sure to show what it's like working at your company not just textually but visually!

  • Remember, attracting a candidate is just as much about your company culture as the job role itself. Make sure to include points that make you seem desirable too!
  • Add photos that show off your office space, team events and your team having a great time.
  • Maybe you could include a video of some team members explaining why they love coming to work, or why they like their role.
  • Include a grid of attractive perks with some nice illustrations. Maybe you have unlimited holidays, or you have an attractive parental leave cover - show off!
  • Why not embed your company's Instagram feed to give a IRL overview of the day-to-day.

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