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Insurance Agent Job Description

If you’re in the process of writing an Insurance Agent job description and find yourself asking, what does an Insurance Agent do? We have the answer. An Insurance Agent is a salesperson who specialises in the insurance industry.

Scroll down for our free Insurance Agent job ad template.

What is in an Insurance Agent’s job description?

An Insurance Agent is a talented salesperson with knowledge specific to the insurance industry. They will help to identify potential customers or leads and reach out to these leads in order to boost sales for an insurance company. 

Essential parts of an Insurance Agent’s job description:

  • Insurance Agents will be in regular contact with members of the wider sales and product teams to ensure they are up-to-date on all current service offerings.
  • They will pass any suggestions, complaints, or frequently asked questions along to relevant teams to help improve communication and services.
  • Insurance Agents can specialise in certain insurance types, such as home insurance or pet insurance, or have more general insurance knowledge.
  • Insurance Agents can work both with B2B or B2C sales.
  • This role is a huge part of all insurance providers but can also be a role found in banks or supermarkets that have insurance offerings, too.

Also see our Insurance Agent interview questions

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Insurance Agent Job Description Example

About the role

Are you passionate and knowledgeable about the insurance industry? Are you a clear and confident communicator with the ability to utilise these skills to improve sales for a business? Do you specialise in solving problems? If so, we have the perfect job for you.

We’re looking for an Insurance Agent to join our dedicated insurance sales team at [Company Name]. You’ll be working alongside a team of sales experts to help identify and contact potential clients who you can quickly turn into sales.

Training on our specific insurance products and services will be provided, but general knowledge of the industry is needed, as this role will be quite fast-paced with plenty of room to grow.
Du bist der geborene Problemlöser? Du fühlst dich in der Versicherungsbranche wohl? Du kommunizierst klar und selbstbewusst und bist in der Lage, diese Fähigkeiten gewinnbringend einzusetzen? Wenn ja, haben wir bei [Name des Unternehmens] die perfekte Stelle für dich.

Wir suchen einen Versicherungsvertreter (m/w/d) für unser engagiertes Vertriebsteam. Du arbeitest mit einem Team von Vertriebsexperten zusammen und hilfst uns dabei, potenzielle Kunden in überzeugte Kunden umzuwandeln.

Es erwarten dich regelmäßige Schulungen zu unseren Versicherungsprodukten und -dienstleistungen in einem schnelllebigen Arbeitsumfeld mit viel Raum für Wachstum.

Insurance Agent Responsibilities

These are simply sample responsibilities for an Insurance Agent, be sure to edit and add to this list as necessary. The more specific you can be with your Insurance Agent responsibilities, the better your job ad.

• Identifying and contacting potential leads.
• Understanding and memorising important information about our products and services.
• Staying up to date with packages and deals we may have on offer.
• Recognising frequent complaints and questions potential clients have and passing these to relevant departments.
• Upselling or promoting new services to clients who may be interested.
• Helping to develop frequently asked questions scripts for new team members.
• Working towards sales targets.
Das sind lediglich Beispiele für die Aufgaben von Versicherungsvertreter:innen. Sie können (und sollten) diese Liste nach Bedarf bearbeiten und ergänzen.

• Du identifizierst und kontaktierst potenzielle Kunden.
• Du untersützt uns beim Erreichen unserer Verkaufsziele.
• Du hältst dich über die aktuellen Aktionen und Angebote auf dem Laufenden.
• Du leitest häufige Beschwerden und Fragen potenzieller Kunden an die zuständigen Abteilungen weiter.
• Du betreibst Upselling oder wirbst gezielt für neue Dienstleistungen.
• Du unterstützt die Ausarbeitung von Skripten für neue Teammitglieder.

Insurance Agent Requirements

Remember these are example requirements for an Insurance Agent, you will need to adjust this list where necessary to fit your exact insurance job role.

• Around 1 to 2 years of experience in a similar insurance-based role.
• Fluent in English (other languages are a bonus).
• Extremely strong communication skills.
• Ability to learn and memorise specific insurance information.
• Fluency with office programs (Word, Excel, etc.)
• Strong team working ability.
Denken Sie daran, dass es sich hier um Beispielanforderungen für eine:n Versicherungsvertreter:in handelt. Passen Sie diese Liste bei Bedarf an, damit sie genau auf Ihre Rolle im Versicherungswesen abgestimmt ist.

• Du bringst 1-2 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Versicherungsvertreter:in oder in einer ähnlichen Funktion im Versicherungswesen mit.
• Du beherrschst die englische Sprache fließend (weitere Sprachen sind von Vorteil).
• Du überzeugst mit ausgeprägten Kommunikationsfähigkeiten.
• Du kannst dir versicherungsspezifische Informationen schnell und sicher aneignen.
• Du bist vertraut im Umgang mit Office-Programmen wie Word, Excel, etc.
• Du bringst eine ausgeprägte Fähigkeit zur Teamarbeit mit.

Need inspiration?

Your job description will not attract talent all on its own. So when putting together your job post, be sure to show what it’s like working at your company not just textually but visually!

  • Remember, attracting a candidate is just as much about your company culture as the job role itself. Make sure to include points that make you seem desirable too!
  • Add photos that show off your office space, team events and your team having a great time.
  • Maybe you could include a video of some team members explaining why they love coming to work, or why they like their role.
  • Include a grid of attractive perks with some nice illustrations. Maybe you have unlimited holidays, or you have an attractive parental leave cover – show off!
  • Why not embed your company’s Instagram feed to give a IRL overview of the day-to-day.

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