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Interview questions

Visual Designer

Best interview questions for your hiring process

Visual Designer Interview questions

Visual Designers work with cross functional teams to work on engaging and highly creative visual designs for their company’s or clients online presence.

A good visual designer should:

  • Be great at collaboration and teamwork.
  • Be able to take feedback positively and be customer focused.
  • Effectively communicate brand and vision to external sources.

Interviewing a Visual Designer

Are you searching for an excellent Visual Designer? Then it will soon be time to get to know the candidates a little better in an interview. With our Visual Designer interview questions, your interview is prepared quickly and easily.

Please note: Our interview questions are suggestions for the earlier stages of the application process and for candidates with average work experience. They are therefore a little more general.

How to open the job interview

Interviews naturally breed nerves, so the first part of your interview should aim to make the candidate feel comfortable speaking with you, you’ll get much more information out of them and a better sense of the person they are if they feel like they can trust the environment they are in. 

To do this you can ask some fun and interesting questions linked to the role, they should be open-ended and encourage conversation.

Best interview questions for your hiring process

See our Visual Designer Job Description here

For the interview

A positive opener to start

What has been your favorite product?

What’s the best part of your job?

Behavioral Questions

Why did you choose to become a visual designer?

Should show passion for the industry they work in, you will also get to know a bit about their background. 

What is your favourite design from your portfolio? Why?

A good designer should be able to talk extensively about their portfolio and explain their end-to-end process. 

Which sort of management styles and team environments do you work best with?

This is an important question to get an idea of if the candidate will gel well with the team members you already have. 

Where do you get your design inspiration from? What are some of your biggest influences?

This question is designed to show the candidates passion for their work, and how they stay up to date with industry trends.

Soft Skills

Have you worked with multiple teams at the same time before? How do you organise yourself?

A general question to get a good idea of how they work with many different people and how they organise workloads. 

What is your process for handing off a project?

Handing off projects will happen often in visual design, they should be used to working with different departments to get the same goal. 

What is your process for transforming complex issues into easy to understand visuals?

A good candidate will display great communication skills and be able to visually display complex products or releases. 

What has been the most challenging project for you so far?

Shows their strengths and weaknesses.

Hard Skills

Which graphic design softwares do you prefer using?

Should have a few up to date softwares that they enjoy using the most, for example, Sketch. 

How would you describe your approach to design research?

Should be focused on the customer or user and have good processes for research. 

Are you usually involved in the concept process of a project?

Gives you an idea of how senior their positions have been, they should be interested in learning more about the entire process, not just design elements.

Operational / Situational Questions

Could you tell me about a time when you worked with several different teams or departments with conflicting opinions and ideas? How did you deal with that?

Tells you how they deal with conflicts and working with a lot of different personalities. 

What do you do when you come up with a design but it doesn’t correspond to the customer research you conducted?

This will tell you how they approach problems and how their process for finding solutions for the best of the project.

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