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Customer Support Specialist Job Description

Are you asking yourself, what is a Customer Support Specialist? Customer Support Specialists are the product experts within your business. They educate customers on how the product works and provide any further product-related support your customers might need to achieve their goals.

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What is in a Customer Support Specialist’s job description?

A Customer Support Specialist is one of the main points of contact for your customers. They educate the customer on how the product works, answer any product-specific questions the customer may have, and they’ll help resolve any further product issues where needed.

Essential parts of a Customer Support Specialist’s job description:

  • Customer Support Specialists will help your customer understand and use your product
  • They work with individuals across the business, especially within the Product, IT, and Customer Support departments
  • You can find Customer Support Specialists in most industries and company sizes, although more commonly in medium-to-large businesses
  • The Customer Support Specialist needs to be customer-centric, product-savvy, and a strong communicator

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Customer Support Specialist Job Description Example

About the role

We are looking for a talented Customer Support Specialist to strengthen our Customer Support team here at {Company_Name}. In this role, you are responsible for maintaining customer relationships to ensure customer satisfaction and retention.

As a natural problem solver and knowledge sharer, you enjoy supporting customers as they get to know and use our product. You will become their dedicated point of contact, ensuring they get the most out of our product as you educate them and help them whenever they run into problems. Of course, you further enjoy diving deep into the features and functionalities of our product to become an in-house product expert.

Most importantly, you need to be a real people person with a passion for friendly and engaging customer support. Does that sound like you? Then apply with us today and we’ll get back to you ASAP!
Du hegst eine Leidenschaft für freundliche und engagierte Kundenbetreuung, tauchst gern in tief in Produktfeatures und -funktionalitäten ein und liebst es, dich als Produktexperte für unsere Kunden einzusetzen? Wir suchen einen talentierten Customer Support Specialist (m/w/d) zur Verstärkung unseres Customer Support Teams hier bei {Unternehmen_Name}. In dieser Funktion verantwortest du die Pflege von Kundenbeziehungen, um Kundenzufriedenheit und Kundenbindung zu stärken.

Als geborener Problemlöser und Wissensvermittler unterstützt du unsere Kunden dabei, unser Produkt kennenzulernen und vollumfänglich zu nutzen. Du wirst ihr engagierter Ansprechpartner und stellst sicher, dass sie das Beste aus unserem Produkt herausholen. Hört sich nach dir an? Dann bewirb dich noch heute bei uns!

Customer Support Specialist Responsibilities

Remember these are example responsibilities, not all of these will be relevant to your specific job ad. Please edit the text to match your company’s needs.

• Support customers who are using our product to ensure they enjoy the best possible customer experience.
• Respond to any questions or requests they may have regarding our product, whether via email, phone, or live chat.
• Educate customers on how to use the product and assist in the creation of training materials to better help them in the future.
• Work closely with our product team to improve our product based on the feedback you receive from customers.
• Know our product like no other and know how to effectively share this technical knowledge with others.
• Maintain and strengthen the relationship between our company and our customers.
Denken Sie daran, dass es sich hier um Beispiele für Aufgaben handelt, die nicht alle für Ihre spezifische Stellenanzeige relevant sind. Bitte passen Sie den Text an die Bedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens an.

• Du stellst das bestmögliche Kundenerlebnis sicher.
• Du beantwortest alle Fragen und Wünsche, die Kunden zu unserem Produkt äußern, sei es per E-Mail, Telefon oder Live-Chat.
• Du informierst unsere Kunden über die Verwendung des Produkts und hilfst bei der Erstellung von Schulungsmaterial, um ihnen in Zukunft besser helfen zu können.
• In enger Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Produktteam arbeitest du an der Verbesserung unseres Produkts auf der Grundlage des Kundenfeedbacks.
• Du teilst dein tiefes technisches Wissen über unser Produkt mit anderen.
• Du pflegst und stärkst die Beziehung zwischen unserem Unternehmen und unseren Kunden.

Customer Support Specialist Requirements

Remember these are example requirements, not all of these will be relevant to your specific job ad. Please edit the text to match your company’s needs.

• 2-3 years of experience as a Customer Support Specialist or a similar customer support role.
• Excellent communication skills, both written and verbally.
• Exceptional at maintaining and improving customer relationships.
• Ability to understand complex technical information and to explain this information in a simplified manner so our customers understand it.
• Experience working with CRM systems.
• Great problem-solving and analytical skills.
• Knowledge of our product and industry is considered a plus.
Denken Sie daran, dass es sich hierbei um Beispielanforderungen handelt, die nicht alle auf Ihre spezifische Stellenanzeige zutreffen. Bitte passen Sie den Text an die Bedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens an.

• Du bringst 2-3 Jahre Erfahrung als Customer Support Specialist oder einer vergleichbaren Funktion im Kundensupport mit.
• Du verfügst über ausgezeichnete Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, sowohl schriftlich als auch mündlich.
• Du bringst außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten mit, um Kundenbeziehungen zu pflegen und zu verbessern.
• Du bist in der Lage, komplexe technische Informationen leicht verständlich zu erklären, sodass unsere Kunden sie verstehen.
• Du hast Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit CRM-Systemen.
• Du zeichnest dich durch hervorragende Problemlösungskompetenzen und analytische Fähigkeiten aus.
• Du bringst idealerweise Produkt- und Branchenkenntnisse aus einer früheren Beschäftigung mit.

Need inspiration?

Your job description will not attract talent all on its own. So when putting together your job post, be sure to show what it’s like working at your company not just textually but visually!

  • Remember, attracting a candidate is just as much about your company culture as the job role itself. Make sure to include points that make you seem desirable too!
  • Add photos that show off your office space, team events and your team having a great time.
  • Maybe you could include a video of some team members explaining why they love coming to work, or why they like their role.
  • Include a grid of attractive perks with some nice illustrations. Maybe you have unlimited holidays, or you have an attractive parental leave cover – show off!
  • Why not embed your company’s Instagram feed to give a IRL overview of the day-to-day.

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