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What is a digital nomad?


A digital nomad is someone who uses technology to work remotely, often from different locations. They’re not tied to one specific location, which means they can work from anywhere in the world. 

Digital nomads can be great assets to your team and help your organisation thrive. Find out below some of the benefits and disadvantages of hiring a digital nomad. 

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Digital nomad benefits

In the past, employees were expected to work in-office, during set hours, five days a week. However, with the rise of technology, that’s no longer the only way to get work done. Nowadays, more and more employees are working from home—and that trend is only growing. In fact, by 2028, it’s estimated that 70% of the workforce will be working remotely. 

Here are some benefits your company can expect when hiring a digital nomad.

Digital nomads are used to working remotely

One of the biggest challenges of working remotely is getting used to it. It can be difficult to stay motivated and focused when you’re not in an office environment. But digital nomads are used to working remotely, so they know how to stay on task even when they’re not in a traditional office setting. 

Accustomed to changes in their surroundings

Another big challenge of working remotely is dealing with changes in your surroundings. If you’re used to working in an office, it can be disruptive to have to work from home or from a coffee shop when your internet goes out or your power goes out.

But digital nomads are accustomed to changes in their surroundings, so they’re better able to adapt and still get their work done even when things aren’t perfect. 

Experienced with technology

One of the challenges of working remotely is having access to the right technology. You need to be able to use video conferencing, cloud-based storage, and other tools that allow you to collaborate with team members who aren’t in the same physical location as you are.

Digital nomads have a lot of experience with different technologies, so they know how to use them effectively for remote work. 

Flexible and Adaptable

Last but not least, one of the biggest benefits of hiring a digital nomad is that they’re flexible and adaptable. Because they’re used to working remotely, they know how to deal with changes on the fly and adapt quickly to new situations. This makes them ideal employees for companies that need someone who can hit the ground running and doesn’t mind change. 

Another common challenge of working remotely is dealing with different time zones. If you have team members who are in different parts of the world, it can be difficult to coordinate meetings and deadlines because of the time difference.

But digital nomads are used to working in different time zones, so they know how to deal with the challenges that come with it. 

Disadvantages of a digital nomad

While this trend can be great for employers who are looking to tap into a global pool of talent, there are also some drawbacks that businesses should be aware of with remote work before hiring a digital nomad. Let’s take a look at some of the disadvantages of hiring a digital nomad.

Not always reliable

One downside of hiring a digital nomad is that they’re not always reliable. Because they travel so much, it can be difficult to get in touch with them when you need to. In addition, their internet connection isn’t always stable, which can make it hard for them to stay connected and get work done consistently.

For that reason, it is essential to improve remote collaborations for an effective teamwork.

Might not be a good fit for your business 

While digital nomads can bring new perspectives to your business, they might not always be a good fit for your company culture. Because they’re used to working independently, they might not be able to adjust to working in a team environment or following strict guidelines and processes.

It’s important to consider whether a digital nomad would be able to fit in with your company culture before making any decisions. 

Might not be willing to commit long-term

it’s important to keep in mind that many digital nomads aren’t looking for long-term commitments since they enjoy the freedom and flexibility that comes with being location-independent workers. So if you’re looking for an employee who is willing to commit long-term to your company, you might want to consider someone who isn’t necessarily classified as a “digital nomad”.

Working remotely can be lonely at times

Finally, it’s important to point out that working remotely can sometimes be lonely—even for experienced digital nomads who are used to this type of arrangement. This is because working from home or from coffee shops doesn’t provide the same level of social interaction as working in an office does. So, building a strong remote culture might be essential

Do you think digital nomads are a good match for your business? Or do you prefer employees who do remote work? If you can’t decide, read the article on Remote work vs hybrid work: Which model is best for your office? 

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