Ictjob.de job posting

Ictjob.de was founded in 2011 and focuses on the IT and tech industries, meaning your job ads will be targeted at tech professionals making the applications you receive more experienced and worthwhile. They specialise in the Belgian and Luxembourg markets.

Sign up and start posting on ictjob.de
  • Job board type


  • Target group

    IT & Engineering

  • Country


ictjobs.de job posting entry page




Advantages and disadvantages of ictjob.de

Is hiring through ictjob the right fit for your organization? Take a look at some pros and cons of posting your job to ictjob:


  • Allows companies to set up free profiles
  • Specialises in the IT and tech industries meaning they have an experienced talent pool
  • Allows candidates to filter by technology or IT area


  • No free job posting options.
  • Difficult for both recruiters and candidates to use the interface

Easily post job ads on ictjob.de with us


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Trusted by over 100,000 companies worldwide

  • Source and attract top talent

    Craft perfect job ads, get your own custom career page, and multipost your job ad on hundreds of job boards.

  • Screen and interview your candidates

    Create custom assessments, collaborate with hiring scorecards, and schedule interviews effortlessly.

  • Manage and track all in one tool

    Track incoming applications, centralise communication with candidates and your team, and enjoy smart automations and integrations.

Platform Comparisons

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, ictjob allows company profiles on which your job posting will be seen later on.

Your job ad will be active and visible for 30 days.

Your job ads will be displayed through the platform’s search system, candidates can filter by keywords, location, business industry, development type or programming language. Candidates can also filter by remote or inhouse opportunities. Ictjob also has company profiles where all your job ads will be easily seen and located.

Yes, ictjob allows companies to also advertise for positions in Germany.