Interview questions
Brand Ambassador
Best interview questions for your hiring process
Brand Ambassadors excel at communicating with all different types of personalities and audiences. They act as the spokesperson for your brand and attend events periodically to network with professionals, raise awareness of the brand, and help promote sales. As this is a lot of responsibility, and could negatively or positively impact the success of your brand, it’s essential that you find the perfect fit.
While looking for your new Brand Ambassador you should keep these points in mind:
Now you have the top points in mind, it’s time to start thinking about specific questions. Your Brand Ambassador will be the face and voice of your company and will support with improving brand awareness with the aim of improving conversions.
So, hiring the right Brand Ambassador is essential to how your brand will be perceived from an external perspective. To help you find the perfect match, we’ve put together a list of the right questions to ask.
It is important to note that these questions are designed to be used at the beginning of the hiring journey. That’s why they are less in-depth than may be needed for later in the process.
For the interview
A positive opener to start
What do you like and dislike about being a Brand Ambassador?
What has your professional journey been like so far?
Behavioral Questions
What motivates you to do your job well?
What kind of management style do you prefer to work with?
This gives you a better idea of how they will fit into the team.
Do you enjoy travelling as part of your job? Are you able to travel sometimes?
Brand Ambassadors will be representing your company at different events. They need to be willing to travel.
What do you know already about our company and products/services?
The candidate doesn’t have to know a huge amount about your brand or products, but some research will show dedication.
Soft Skills
How would you try to attract new customers at a promotional event?
As one of the main tasks of a Brand Ambassador is to increase awareness, they should be confident and comfortable with talking to customers and increasing sales.
Would you feel comfortable striking up a conversation with someone at an event aimed at raising awareness? How would you discuss our brand?
For this question, you could ask them to go through the first few things that they would mention to a potential customer to get a better idea of their communication techniques.
Are you comfortable with the majority of your role being independent? Are you ok with being a decision-maker?
Being a Brand Ambassador means being responsible for a lot of decisions and a good candidate will have experience working independently and as a decision-maker.
What motivates you to encourage brand awareness? Particularly through some stressful or busy periods?
Because this role is front-facing, a good candidate will know how to continue to display the organisation’s brand in the best light, even though the down periods.
Hard Skills
Can you describe our target audience? How would you engage with them?
Getting to know the audience and knowing how to change your approach depending on the customer is essential to the success of this role.
What is the scope of your content creation skills?
As well as personally communicating with audiences, Brand Ambassadors may also work with social media teams or PR teams, so having different content experiences would be advantageous.
Which social media platforms do you have the most experience with?
At least some experience in several different platforms would be best. Which ones should depend on what your focus is.
Which scheduling tools for events and posting have you used previously? (for example Hootsuite, Falcon, Buffer).
It’s not essential that your candidate knows scheduling tools, this question is more about gauging how much onboarding and training they’ll need to align with your processes.
Operational / Situational Questions
Could you describe a time that you have successfully implemented an online campaign? How did this benefit the organisation?
A good candidate should have implemented several different campaigns previously. The important point is to know how that will benefit the company.
Can you talk about a time that you have increased sales significantly for a product or service?
Increasing sales should be something that comes with being a Brand Ambassador. It is good to hear about times that they’ve executed that.
How do you deal with negative comments within a community you’re running? How do you decide when to delete comments?
Deleting comments shouldn’t be done if they are simply negative comments about your brand, and should be done only in specific situations. Your Brand Ambassador should be able to explain when to do this.
Start hiring and prepare your interview
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