Scaling a team from the start at Shyfter

Lionel Hermans

Lionel Hermans


The Shyfter team having fun at a staff event


team growth expected with the use of JOIN.


the number of applicants received each day through JOIN.


hours a week saved recruiting with JOIN.


Shyfter began back in 2016 when their CEO, Lionel Hermans, found a need for a better staff planning tool. The aim of Shyfter is to digitise the planning of work schedules…

Shyfter began back in 2016 when their CEO, Lionel Hermans, found a need for a better staff planning tool. The aim of Shyfter is to digitise the planning of work schedules and the monitoring of activities. The tool supports organisations with timesheets, contracts, scheduling, and communication. Shyfter’s main goal is to simplify the whole staff planning process and to lower the amount of time needed to plan staff scheduling and all HR operations. Today, Shyfter has more than 600 customers, mostly based in Belgium and France. They’re currently in an acceleration phase and looking to double their team size yearly. But, after using a few different hiring tools, it became apparent that Shyfter needed a higher quality of candidates for their team and a simplified approach.


  • Human Resources,
  • Startup,
  • Tech


  • Belgium,
  • France,
  • Germany,
  • United Kingdom,
  • USA


  • 2016

Team size

  • 10

Platforms used

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team growth expected with the use of JOIN.


the number of applicants received each day through JOIN.


hours a week saved recruiting with JOIN.

Table of contents

The challenge

Increasing the number of suitable candidates for open roles

When Shyfter focused on growing their team, they started their search by posting on the popular job boards they already knew. 

While they were receiving a lot of applications, they quickly realised that the applications they were getting were not compatible with their roles. Therefore, it was essential to find a way to ensure a higher quality of applicants. 

The two biggest pain points Shyfter needed to solve:

  • Finding quality candidates
  • Saving money on recruiting processes

After some research, Shyfter decided to give JOIN a try.

“Increasing applications has been solved with JOIN. We receive quite a lot of applicants using it so we have a lot of candidates now! And the best part – we only needed the free version.”

Lionel Hermans

Lionel Hermans


The solution

Shyfter started using JOIN to help cut costs and filter talent

Shyfter quickly saw a difference in application quantity and the quality of applications after switching to JOIN.

Before switching to JOIN, Lionel, noted that:

“We didn’t get a lot of applications, and one of the biggest problems we had was that we got a lot of automated applications or fake applications.”

However, since switching to JOIN, Shyfter has started to see 10-15 applications a day to their 8 open positions. And, the applications are certainly hire-worthy, as Lionel states that:

“We have a new customer success team member starting at the end of June that came to us via JOIN and a new Frontend Dev that came via JOIN too. So, yes, JOIN works!”

Saving money with free job posting options

As a result of the increased applications, Shyfter also noted that the amount they needed to spend on the bigger job boards decreased. The increase in qualified, quality applicants meant that less budget needed to be put into advertising roles for long periods of time on LinkedIn and Indeed.

Lionel commented:

“One thing I know is that we’re spending less money because we’re getting a lot of candidates through JOIN!”

How does Shyfter hire with JOIN?

Shyfter don’t have a full HR team just yet, so Lionel uses JOIN himself and filters applications received through JOIN. He then shares these profiles with the relevant team members who will contact the candidates.

What does the recruiting process at Shyfter look like now?

  1. Write a job ad in JOIN
  2. Multipost job ad with JOIN 
  3. Monitor applications in JOIN
  4. Contact applicant
  5. First interview
  6. Technical interview
  7. Offer

We’ve helped Shyfter to gain more applications while paying less

Shyfter is now focusing on a period of growth. We’ve helped them to kick this growth off already. Check out the following statistics for proof!


team growth expected with the use of JOIN.


the number of applicants received each day through JOIN.


hours a week saved recruiting with JOIN.

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