Tour Guide Job Description

Do you wonder what a Tour Guide actually does? A Tour Guide, or tourist guide, shows tourists around places of particular interest.

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What is in a Tour Guide's Job Description?

A Tour Guide is an enthusiastic and charismatic person with extensive knowledge of a certain area, place, or activity of special interest. Tour Guides show tourists and other visitors around their particular area of expertise.

Essential parts of a Tour Guide’s job description:

  • Tour Guides know all the ins and outs of a particular field of interest, albeit a historical building like the Colosseum or an adventure sport like canyoning. Their job is to guide tourists and visitors around such places or introduce them to such sports.
  • A Tour Guide has to be extremely passionate about their specific area of expertise and be able to transfer their knowledge and enthusiasm on to tourists and visitors.
  • Tour Guides have to be organised and structured, to ensure they stick to the itinerary and schedule of the tour.
  • Common areas of employment include tourist attractions, historical buildings and sites, museums, cities, parks, and nature reserves.

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Tour Guide Job Description Example

  • Be clear in your description. Know the tasks of the role and ideally who the candidate should be.
  • This means you won’t need to read through too many CVs to find your superstar.
  • You might be tempted to use bullet points in this section, but resist the urge! Tell a story, show off all the cool things they would be responsible for, and get them excited to apply.
  • You should be more focused on your company culture and what your mission is, instead of their daily tasks.

About the role




Are you passionate about [Area of Interest] and do you love sharing your enthusiasm and knowledge with others? Are you energetic, charismatic, and a real people person? Then you might be our new Tour Guide!

Here at [Company Name], we’re currently looking for an experienced Tour Guide who wants to organise guided tours for tourists and visitors. You will be showing them around [Area of Interest], introducing them to the topic and entertaining them with your joy and passion. You are an active person who doesn’t mind being on their feet all day.

You further like to explain new things to people, and you have a real knack for telling stories with the perfect mix of detail and humour.

Does that sound like you? Then don’t wait any longer and apply with us today!
Du hegst eine Leidenschaft für [Interessengebiet] und liebst es, deine Begeisterung und dein Wissen mit anderen zu teilen? Du kannst Geschichten mit der perfekten Mischung aus Details und Humor erzählen? Du bist energiegeladen, charismatisch und ein echter Menschenfreund und es macht dir nichts aus, den ganzen Tag auf den Beinen zu sein? Dann könntest du unser neuer Tour Guide sein!

Hier bei [Name des Unternehmens] suchen wir derzeit nach einem erfahrenen Tour Guide, der Führungen für Touristen und Besucher organisieren und durchführen möchte. Du führst sie durch [Interessengebiet], weihst sie in das Thema ein und unterhältst sie mit deiner Freude und Leidenschaft.

Hört sich das nach dir an? Dann warte nicht länger und bewirb dich noch heute bei uns!
  • This section is all about your candidate's experience and responsibilities. You should outline very clearly what they should expect from the job role, not from the company itself. 
  • You should use language that speaks to the candidate directly, use of “you”, “we” and “our” are all positives. 
  • Hard skills in this section are important, but don’t overlook the significance of soft skills, like communication and being a team player, these can make a huge difference to the way people work alongside each other and gel professionally. 
  • What do you believe in, and what are your core values?

Tour Guide Responsibilities




Remember these are example responsibilities, not all of these will be relevant to your specific Tour Guide job ad. Please edit the text to match your company’s needs.

• Schedule, plan and organise the itinerary of the tour
• Prepare in advance anything that might be needed for the tour (from purchasing tickets to making dinner reservations to booking activities)
• Create a (rough) script of what you will explain and present during the tour
• Learn about any necessary safety procedures and explain this to your tour group
• Respond to visitor questions and be able to guide them in the right direction if they need anything
• Provide any further assistance that might be needed, including during emergencies (e.g. administering first aid or contacting the police when something gets stolen)
Denken Sie daran, dass es sich hier um Beispiele für Aufgaben handelt, die nicht alle für Ihre Tour Guide Stellenanzeige relevant sind. Bitte passen Sie den Text an die Bedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens an.

• Du planst, koordinierst und organisierst den Reiseverlauf/ den Ablauf der Tour.
• Du bereitest im Voraus alles vor, was für die Tour benötigt wird (vom Ticketkauf bis zur Reservierung von Restaurants).
• Du erstellst ein (grobes) Skript, was du während der Tour erklären und präsentieren wirst.
• Du informierst dich über alle notwendigen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen und erklärst sie deiner Reisegruppe.
• Du beantwortest die Fragen der Besucher und kannst ihnen die richtige Richtung weisen, wenn sie etwas brauchen.
• Du leistest bei Bedarf Erste Hilfe oder kontaktierst die Polizei und unterstützt die Lösung von (Notfall)Situationen aller Art.
  • This section is essential to finding the candidate with the skills and qualifications that will help them in their job role.
  • This should be clear and concise and set boundaries for submissions.
  • The more information you add to your skills section, the less candidates you’ll have to sift through to find the right one.
  • This would waste both your time and the potential candidate so avoid being wordy as much as possible. Think about what would be an essential part of this role, and what would the applicant need to be successful in the job?

Tour Guide Requirements




Remember these are example requirements, not all of these will be relevant to your specific Tour Guide job description. Please edit the text to match your company’s needs.

• Prior experience as a Tour Guide is highly desirable
• Physically fit and able to be on your feet for extended periods
• Unprecedented knowledge of your area of interest
• Boundless energy, enthusiasm, and excitement
• Charismatic personality and the ability to tell stories that captivate, engage, and entertain
• Excellent organisational and planning skills
• First Aid Certificate (nice to have)
• Any further qualifications/certification that might be relevant (e.g. a C-card diving certificate if you’re taking groups scuba diving)
Denken Sie daran, dass es sich hier um Beispielanforderungen handelt, die nicht alle auf Ihre spezifische Stellenbeschreibung für Reiseleiter zutreffen. Bitte passen Sie den Text an die Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens an.

• Du bringst idealerweise bereits Erfahrung als Tour Guide mit.
• Du bist körperlich fit und in der Lage, längere Zeit auf den Beinen zu sein.
• Du verfügst über ein umfassendes Wissen über dein Interessengebiet.
• Du strahlst grenzenlose Energie, Begeisterung und Freude aus.
• Du bist eine charismatische Persönlichkeit und besitzt die Fähigkeit, Geschichten zu erzählen, die fesseln, begeistern und unterhalten.
• Du bringst ausgezeichnete organisatorische und planerische Fähigkeiten mit.
• Du bist im Besitz eines Ersthelfer-Zertifikats und bewahrst auch in Notsituationen den Überblick und die Ruhe, während du die Sicherheit deiner Gäste gewährleistest.
• Du besitzt Zertifizierungen für deine sportlichen Aktivitäten (z. B. einen C-Schein, wenn du mit einer Gruppe tauchen möchtest).

Need inspiration?

Your job description will not attract talent all on its own. So when putting together your job post, be sure to show what it's like working at your company not just textually but visually!

  • Remember, attracting a candidate is just as much about your company culture as the job role itself. Make sure to include points that make you seem desirable too!
  • Add photos that show off your office space, team events and your team having a great time.
  • Maybe you could include a video of some team members explaining why they love coming to work, or why they like their role.
  • Include a grid of attractive perks with some nice illustrations. Maybe you have unlimited holidays, or you have an attractive parental leave cover - show off!
  • Why not embed your company's Instagram feed to give a IRL overview of the day-to-day.

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