How JOIN helps Fertilly save 6+ hours every week

Francesca Sacchi

Francesca Sacchi

Teamlead Patient Care Italy & France


hours saved every week with JOIN


team members easily collaborating inside JOIN


interviews in just 4 weeks with talent attracted through JOIN


Fertilly is a digital health platform that helps people on their journey to having children. Many aspiring parents can’t have children in the traditional way, which means…

Fertilly is a digital health platform that helps people on their journey to having children. Many aspiring parents can’t have children in the traditional way, which means they need specialist medical assistance. Unfortunately, finding the right information and the best fertility centre—either at home or abroad—can be challenging. This is where Fertilly offers the solution.

Founded in Germany in 2019, Fertilly now provides expert patient care and support to clients in Germany, Italy, and France. They provide all the necessary information to guide patients through the process and facilitate in finding the best clinic for the patient’s case. Fertilly now works with 30 high-quality clinics around Europe where patients can receive the best possible care.

Fertilly is currently developing software products that will further help patients and clinics communicate even better to make the journey for the future patients as easy as possible.


  • Healthcare


  • Germany


  • 2019

Team size

  • 20

Platforms used

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hours saved every week with JOIN


team members easily collaborating inside JOIN


interviews in just 4 weeks with talent attracted through JOIN

Table of contents

The Challenge

Too many platforms meant too much time wasted

When Francesca joined Fertilly, she was tasked with taking over the company’s hiring efforts. From her experience in managing several fertility clinics in the past, she knew it was very difficult to handle a high number of applications.

The Fertilly team and Francesca used too many channels. Francesca received applications through email but also had to check in the separate job portals themselves as well. Each job board worked slightly differently and required different actions when managing candidate applications and communicating with candidates. This was the main problem they needed to solve to be more efficient.

Since many healthcare professionals don’t use large general networks like LinkedIn or XING, she had to use numerous niche job boards to be able to target the right candidates.

All of this made it difficult to have an organised workflow as she had so many inboxes to monitor all at once. On top of that, there was the added struggle with the types of candidates she was trying to attract for Fertilly.

They were mostly looking for Sales and Customer Care candidates, and Francesca quickly noticed that as these are such wide fields, the candidates she attracted strongly varied in skills and experience. The result? Too much time is lost screening, disqualifying, and rejecting unsuitable candidates.

Francesca’s main pain points were:

  • Having to use various (niche) portals for talent attraction
  • Screening, selecting, and communicating with candidates through all these portals separately
  • Wasting a lot of time with the above due to the large influx of unqualified talent

To tackle this, Francesca required an easy-to-use tool that allowed him to centralise all applications and communication with candidates. And the more options for automation, the better.

That’s where JOIN came in. As Francesca explains:

“When I found out about JOIN, I instantly saw how helpful it was to have everything in one channel. I can simply click through the applications and scan the candidates. If I decline them, they get an automated message, so I don’t have to write an email to each of them. If I accept candidates, I have them in my qualified channel which I can easily sort and rescreen. This makes it much much easier than if I would have them all in my email inbox.”

Francesca Sacchi

Francesca Sacchi

Teamlead Patient Care Italy & France

The Solution

Fertilly used JOIN to create a streamlined, efficient, and more automated workflow

To grow their Sales and Customer Care departments, Fertilly had to use a variety of specialised job boards and, in many cases, republish job ads several times. So Francesca had to A/B test various versions of the same job ad’s title to attract more and better talent more effectively.

And as soon as candidates applied for jobs, Francesca had to collaborate with the relevant hiring managers at Fertilly to quickly come to a decision. She explains:

“For hiring, speed is really important. We can see it in candidates, they really appreciate it if you answer immediately and quickly. It makes a good impression, and the conversion rate is higher if you’re fast.”

Here is how JOIN’s talent attraction software helped Francesca and Fertilly optimise their workflow for faster-hiring success:

All applications in one centralised tool

By using JOIN, Fertilly was able to handle all incoming applications within the same tool. Instead of having to constantly switch between different job portals to check for incoming applications, everything was now centralised within JOIN.

And even if a highly specialised, niche job board hadn’t partnered with JOIN (yet), Francesca still found a way to use JOIN in the process. Her advice:

“One more tip, for example, we were looking for psychologists and for this specific type of profession, there are very specific job portals. So I posted job offers on psychologist job portals but asked the candidates to apply via the JOIN link in the description so that any applications we would get would come through JOIN. This was really effective.”

This made Francesca’s workflow more efficient and easier to manage, saving him a lot of time. She estimates that she now wins back six hours per week just by using JOIN!

Easy communication and internal collaboration

Receiving applications is only one part of the process. Next is screening them, collaborating internally with your team to come to a decision, and then communicating the outcome with the candidate.

With JOIN, Fertilly is able to do all this within the same tool. Francesca is currently collaborating with four other team members inside JOIN. If she wants to discuss a new application, she simply tags the relevant colleague in the comment field and that person gets a notification.

Previously, all applications were spread out across job portals, so Francesca had to check each portal and then discuss them internally via another tool. Now, everything is collated inside JOIN.

As soon as a decision is made, Francesca can straight away send out a follow-up email to the candidate. By using automated email messages, she can even reject candidates with the click of a button!

How does Fertilly hire with JOIN?

Fertilly’s recruitment process has been optimised with—and even designed around—JOIN. It’s the only recruiting tool Fertilly uses because, in Francesca’s words, “the advantages [of JOIN] are just too big”.

What does the recruiting process look like at Fertilly now?

Step 1: Decide on the position that needs to be filled and assign a hiring manager

Step 2: Create a job ad in JOIN’s job editor

Step 3: Multipost the job ad with JOIN across different job boards

Step 4: Post the same job ad on any further relevant niche job boards, inserting the JOIN application link

Step 5: Monitor applications in JOIN

Step 6: Screen candidates, collaborating with internal stakeholders if needed

Step 7: Email the candidate through JOIN, using automated messages for rejections

Step 8: Set up the interview with the candidate

We’ve helped Fertilly streamline their workflow and grow their team

Fertilly has grown significantly over the past months, and they have recently expanded into two new markets (France and Italy). Within the last two years, they have grown by 300%. They plan to further expand into new markets and grow their international team in the coming months.


hours saved every week with JOIN


team members easily collaborating inside JOIN


interviews in just 4 weeks with talent attracted through JOIN

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