Recruiting without an HR department at DRDOG

Ray Arpagaus

Ray Arpagaus

CEO & Founder

Dr Dog store with customers


applications received for a marketing role at Dr Dog.


new restaurant opening with staff found solely through JOIN.


free postings used.


DRDOG was founded in 2009 in Zurich as a passion project of CEO and founder Ray Arpagaus. It eventually turned into a company in 2013, continuing to run without investors…

DRDOG was founded in 2009 in Zurich as a passion project of CEO and founder Ray Arpagaus. It eventually turned into a company in 2013, continuing to run without investors as a still independent business. DRDOG aims to change the world with hot dogs! They provide quality, healthy snack options with a focus on providing a tasty quick treat to students and other youngsters! DRDOG is still based in Zurich, with a new restaurant opening soon.


  • Food and beverages


  • Switzerland


  • 2009

Team size

  • 25

Features used

Platforms used

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applications received for a marketing role at Dr Dog.


new restaurant opening with staff found solely through JOIN.


free postings used.

Table of contents

The challenge

Responding to all candidates in a timely manner

As Ray noticed, keeping up with the daily duties of a founder and a CEO is time-consuming enough. So, adding recruitment and hiring to this made replying to candidates in a timely and consistent manner extremely difficult.

Without a dedicated HR or hiring team, it is all too easy to let candidates slip through the net and forget to reply to them. However, this is not the image DRDOG wanted to give to their candidates.

Ray decided that to improve this point, he needed to use a tool to help improve his reply rate and communication with candidates.

The two biggest pain points DRDOG needed to solve:

  • Finding skilled, motivated service staff

  • Improving replies to candidates


Luckily, an ex-colleague brought JOIN to DRDOG.

“Before JOIN, we were only using other platforms such as Minijobs, Facebook, and referrals from existing employees. It quickly became unmanageable and we really needed a hiring tool. JOIN helped a lot with structuring things.”

Ray Arpagaus

Ray Arpagaus

CEO & Founder

The solution

DRDOG started using JOIN to find international talent faster

After the pandemic restrictions began to ease, DRDOG decided to cautiously begin hiring again.

By using JOIN’s free job posting to advertise their roles, they managed to receive hundreds of applications, in a timely and organised manner.

Improved application rates

JOIN helped DRDOG reach candidates in a variety of departments, from service staff to Marketing Managers.

For example, an opening for a marketing employee received over 200 applications! In recent months, DRDOG hired an Accountant and Store Manager using JOIN, too.

Easy to respond to applications

Using JOIN means that DRDOG can now quickly, and easily respond to all candidates. Ray noted that being able to send a customised response to each candidate with the click of a button was a game-changer.

Ray commented:

“The most useful tool to me is by far the feedback tool. As a CEO hiring on my own I don’t have a lot of time to answer my emails, but I want to ensure I give candidates timely answers and feedback. Therefore, being able to give feedback with the push of a button is great!”

Skilled, motivated candidates

DRDOG only use JOIN, and have made a number of hires using JOIN! One thing that Ray noted is that the quality and motivation levels of the applications they receive are notably high.

Ray summarised:

“Finding good quality Accountants is a tough task in general, but when posting a role to JOIN, we get a huge number of great applications!.”

How does DRDOG hire with JOIN?

DRDOG create a single job advertisement using JOIN, and multipost it with one click.

The candidate applications are then manually reviewed, and any unqualified candidates are sent an email with the click of a button. The qualified candidates are then interviewed and responded too appropriately. 

Ray still deals with most recruiting independently.

We’ve substantially helped DRDOG grow their team

DRDOG are picking their expansion up carefully after the pandemic, with help from JOIN. See the stats below for proof


applications received for a marketing role at Dr Dog.


new restaurant opening with staff found solely through JOIN.


free postings used.

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