
Information Services

So, say hello to Kpler! We exist to facilitate sustainable and efficient trade to meet the changing needs of our world. To do so we've built a Data-as-a-Service solution that does…

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About us

So, say hello to Kpler! We exist to facilitate sustainable and efficient trade to meet the changing needs of our world. To do so we've built a Data-as-a-Service solution that does exactly that across the lifecycle of a trade.

Our solution aggregates data from hundreds of sources including radar and satellite imagery as well as logistics, governmental, shipping databases and more. Intelligently connecting the dots across fragmented information landscapes, we bring to our clients a unique, real-time understanding of the trades happening all over the world, by giving them access to live information about the movement of cargos, the availability of vessels as well as commodity storage.

To support this endeavor, we have teams in more than 7 countries and 9 key locations (Brussels, Paris, Hyères, London, Vienna, Dubai, Singapore, Houston and New York). With individuals of various backgrounds, diverse skills, and international experiences, being global & inclusive is in our DNA!

  1. Jobs at Kpler