infobud is an AI-powered market intelligence platform designed to help businesses stay ahead by identifying relevant changes in their market environment early and responding proactively. By aggregating and analyzing news and information from various sources, we provide tailored, neutral insights. These insights help uncover sales triggers and opportunities, enabling hyper-personalized customer engagement and enhancing sales success.
In 2024, infobud was founded by Hagen Hübel (CTO) and Michael Sittek (CEO). The idea originated with Hagen Hübel, whose vision was to provide clarity in today’s fast-paced news landscape and deliver unbiased, neutral information.
This vision evolved into the goal of supporting sales teams and account management units with relevant and succinctly prepared information.
We believe that in times of globalization, businesses need a global perspective. To achieve this, we leverage cutting-edge AI technologies. infobud aims to become a leading platform for AI-powered market intelligence, enabling companies to detect and interpret even the smallest market changes early, allowing them to act proactively.