Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln

W3-Professorhip for Sport Sociology (female/male/diverse)

Education and Social Policy

With more than 6000 students from 93 countries, the German Sport University Cologne (GSU) is currently an outstanding university location both nationally and internationally. The GSU stands for proven research with a high volume of third-party funding and state-of-the-art as well as international teaching in all social and life science sub-disciplines of sport science. The following position is to be filled by 01.08.2022 W3-Professorhip for Sport Sociology (female/male/diverse)


GSU seeks an internationally recognised personality, who represents sport sociology in its entire breadth
in research and teaching. Special expertise is expected in the sociological analysis of at least one of the
following two areas: (1) Social structures and sport, (2) Effects of social change on sport.


Applicants must document:
- relevant international publications in the context of the professorship
- recognisable transfer of scientific findings into practice
- a high level of expertise in methods of empirical social research
- successful acquisition of third-party funding, especially competitive third-party funding
- positively evaluated teaching in the context of the professorship
Applicants are expected to have:
- experience with interdisciplinary cooperation
- international research cooperations
- Willingness to actively contribute to the shaping of a profile focus of GSU
Desirable attributes:
- interdisciplinary connectivity
- English-language teaching competence
- international experience in academic institutions
Willingness to work in all Bachelor's, Master's and Teacher´s degree programmes at the GSU is expected.
Prerequisites of employment according to § 36 of the Higher Education Act NRW are:
• a university degree
• a Ph.D. or equivalent
• appropriate pedagogical/educational skills
• a post doctoral qualification (habilitation) or equivalent scientific achievements
The position includes a teaching load of 9 teaching units (45 mins) per week (F1).
For international applicants, initial adequate German language skills and the ability to offer classes taught
in German language within six semesters are expected.

The German Sport University Cologne strives to increase the proportion of female staff and expressly encourages qualified female applications. Women will be considered preferentially in accordance with
the State Equality Act. Applications from persons with severe disabilities or equivalent status are welcome. They will be given preferential treatment within the framework of the statutory provisions.
It is the policy of the German Sport University Cologne to support its employees in reconciling family life and work. Please send your application with the usual documents, in particular a description of your professional career, a list of publications and a selection of important publications by 08.07.2021 in the form of a pdf file.

Updated: 14 minutes ago
Job ID: 13243900
Report issue

Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln

Education Administration Programs
  1. W3-Professorhip for Sport Sociology (female/male/diverse)