In the past you liked to work on scooters, motors or maybe even drones. And when an electrical device in you home stopt working, you were the first person who finds the sollution. Starting with these basics, your education and your own experience, you have managed to develop into a great engineer. You believe it is a challenge to think of new creative ways to solve technical problems.
Does this sound familliar? Than you could be a good fit in the im | innovating team.
im | innovating is a company that specialises in leathermaking machines. We support tanneries all around the world in the maintenance and intallation of their machines. This is where we need your help.
What a typical workday looks like
You start your workday with a cup of coffee together with your colleages. After this you start working on your own project. You translate the solution (thought of by yourself) to the machine and assemble drawings. You keep being involved in your own designs. From the written quotation till the installations of the machines.
In the afternoon a customer visit is scheduled where you start the preperation of the meeting. For this customer you have made a new design of a machine that you are going to discuss.
If a machine is ready to depart, you manage the transportation to this specific customer.
You are not only a engineer, bur also the ambassador of im | innovating. With your pro-active attitude, drive and customer focus, you contribute to the further development of the machines in tanneries and serveral industries. Both within the im | innovating organisation and at international/ national customers.
Other tasks belonging to your function can be:
Futhermore, you dare to take risks and know how to get started.
You are the person your colleages come to to discuss points about electronics. You like thinking of solutions in an analytic way. It is easy for you to work carefully and accurately. You are flexible when it comes to the agreed goals. You like thinking of new creative ways to perfect your work. You are able to look at your own work and the work of others in a critical yet constructive way. The investigation of assumptions and their evaluation makes you a driven employee.
If this job seems as a good fit for you, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to your reply!