No. 1 recruiting tool in Europe

With JOIN, anyone can be a great recruiter - for free


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Build job ads that attract candidates

Use our editor to create conversion optimised job ads

Design your application forms and choose screening qualifications

Get an engaging, company-branded career page or link to an existing one


Automate job posting across multiple popular job boards

Publish your job ad across 10+ job boards for free

Multipost your job to find the right candidates faster

Gain unique insights into which job platforms are best for your search


Manage applications and communicate with candidates in one tool

Easily keep track of all job ads and applications

Share notes and progress with team members to enable efficient workflows

Use automated emails to simplify communication with candidates along the application process

Making hiring a pleasant experience.
What our customers have to say

“JOIN is very intuitive and easy to use. Multiposting is a great function, and it provides a great user experience.”

Read Success Story

Polina Frantseva

Human Resources Operations Manager, Merantix

“I really liked the idea of JOIN. It's super convenient, plus you can track and monitor more or less everything within a single tool.”

Read Success Story

Zarifa Yusibova

Human Resources and recruiting, Myos

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