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Communications Manager job description

Are you asking yourself, what is a Communications Manager? Communications Managers are in charge of a company’s internal and external communication. The Communications Manager’s role has a significant influence on the marketing, branding, and public image of a company.

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What is in a Communication Manager's job description?

A Communications Manager is an expert in delivering consistent and strategic messages, both internally and externally, to promote the employer’s brand. As such, the Communications Manager is highly involved in, and will have a lot of crossovers with, the fields of Marketing and PR as well.


Essential parts of a Communications Manager’s job description:

  • A Communications Manager oversees the internal and external communication of a company to ensure consistent messaging
  • The Communications Manager communicates the brand’s voice across a variety of channels, from writing press releases to delivering internal announcements
  • They tend to closely collaborate with the Marketing, PR, Content, and Sales teams
  • Communications Managers can be employed in practically any industry, but they do tend to work at larger companies

Communications Manager Job Description Example

  • Be clear in your description. Know the tasks of the role and ideally who the candidate should be.
  • This means you won’t need to read through too many CVs to find your superstar.
  • You might be tempted to use bullet points in this section, but resist the urge! Tell a story, show off all the cool things they would be responsible for, and get them excited to apply.
  • You should be more focused on your company culture and what your mission is, instead of their daily tasks.

About the role




We at [company_name] are looking for an experienced Communications Manager to join our team. You will be in charge of defining our brand voice and ensuring its consistent use throughout all our internal and external communications.

You will work closely with many internal stakeholders, from Content Marketers to Sales Representatives, developing content that promotes our brand through impactful messaging. As the lead on our Communications efforts, you will gain a lot of autonomy to develop our long term communication strategy.

From press releases to company newsletters, with your expert branding knowledge and natural talent for storytelling, you will become the voice of our company!
Wir bei [Name des Unternehmens] suchen einen erfahrenen Communication Manager (m/w/d) zur Verstärkung unseres Teams. Du definierst unsere Markensprache und stellst sicher, dass sie in unserer gesamten internen und externen Kommunikation einheitlich verwendet wird.

Gemeinsam mit internen Stakeholdern, von Content Marketern bis hin zu Vertriebsmitarbeitern, entwickelst du wirkungsvolle Inhalte, die unsere Marke repräsentieren. Mit deinem Fachwissen über Markenbildung und deinem Talent zum Geschichtenerzählen verleihst du unserem Unternehmen eine Stimme - von Pressemitteilungen bis hin zu Unternehmensnewslettern!
  • This section is all about your candidate's experience and responsibilities. You should outline very clearly what they should expect from the job role, not from the company itself. 
  • You should use language that speaks to the candidate directly, use of “you”, “we” and “our” are all positives. 
  • Hard skills in this section are important, but don’t overlook the significance of soft skills, like communication and being a team player, these can make a huge difference to the way people work alongside each other and gel professionally. 
  • What do you believe in, and what are your core values?

Communications Manager Responsibilities




Remember these are example responsibilities, not all of these will be relevant to your specific job ad. Please edit the text to match your company’s needs.

• Define our brand’s tone and voice
• Create brand guidelines
• Write press releases, email newsletters, white papers, and more
• Be the face and voice of our company at industry events and press conferences
• Build and foster strong relationships with external parties, such as partners, clients, influencers, and media companies
• Create our company’s communications strategy and collaborate with the Marketing team to set up campaigns
• Set up a tracking and reporting system to measure all our communications efforts
• Educate your colleagues on effective and consistent communication to empower them to become brand representatives
• Manage a small team of Communications Specialists
Denken Sie daran, dass es sich hier um Beispiele für Aufgaben handelt, die nicht alle für Ihre spezifische Stellenanzeige relevant sind. Bitte passen Sie den Text an die Bedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens an.

• Du definierst den Tone of Voice unserer Marke.
• Du entwickelst unsere Kommunikationsstrategie und entwickelst gemeinsam mit dem Marketingteam starke Kampagnen.
• Du erstellst Richtlinien für die Kommunikation.
• Du verfasst Pressemitteilungen, E-Mail-Newsletter, White Papers und vieles mehr.
• Du verleihst unserem Unternehmen bei Branchenveranstaltungen und Pressekonferenzen ein Gesicht und eine Stimme.
• Du knüpfst und pflegst enge Verbindungen zu Partnern, Kunden, Influencern und Medienunternehmen.
• Du entwickelst ein Tracking- und Berichterstattungssystems und misst den Erfolg unserer Kommunikationsansätze.
• Du schulst deine Kolleg:innen in effektiver und konsistenter Kommunikation, um sie zu Markenbotschaftern zu machen.
• Du leitest ein kleines Team von Kommunikationsspezialisten.
  • This section is essential to finding the candidate with the skills and qualifications that will help them in their job role.
  • This should be clear and concise and set boundaries for submissions.
  • The more information you add to your skills section, the less candidates you’ll have to sift through to find the right one.
  • This would waste both your time and the potential candidate so avoid being wordy as much as possible. Think about what would be an essential part of this role, and what would the applicant need to be successful in the job?

Communications Manager Requirements




Remember these are example requirements, not all of these will be relevant to your specific job ad. Please edit the text to match your company’s needs.

• A degree in Communications, Journalism, Marketing, or a related field
• Experience working as a Communications Manager or a similar position
• Strong knowledge of a variety of communication channels (and knowing when to use them)
• An exceptional storyteller who can bring our brand to life
• A real team player who easily builds relationships with internal and external people alike
• Managerial experience is highly preferred
• Excellent organisational skills and a natural multitasker
• An analytical mind with the ability to measure the performance of campaigns and draw meaningful conclusions
Denken Sie daran, dass es sich hierbei um Beispielanforderungen handelt, die nicht alle auf Ihr spezifisches Anforderungsprofil zutreffen werden. Bitte bearbeiten Sie den Text entsprechend den Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens.

• Du bringst einen Hochschulabschluss in Kommunikation, Journalismus, Marketing oder einem verwandten Bereich mit.
• Du besitzt bereits Berufserfahrung als Communication Manager:in oder in einer ähnlichen Position.
• Du besitzt idealerweise Führungserfahrung.
• Du bist vertraut mit diversen Kommunikationskanälen (und weißt genau, wann und wie du sie einsetzen musst).
• Du bist ein:e großartige:r Geschichtenerzähler:in, der/die unsere Marke zum Leben erwecken kann.
• Du bist ein:e begnadete:r Teamplayer:in und es fällt dir leicht, Beziehungen zu internen und externen Personen aufzubauen.
• Du bringst ausgezeichnete organisatorische und ausgeprägte Multitaskingfähigkeiten mit.
• Du kannst analytisch denken und aussagekräftige Schlussfolgerungen aus der Performance deiner Kampagnen ziehen.

Need inspiration?

Your job description will not attract talent all on its own. So when putting together your job post, be sure to show what it's like working at your company not just textually but visually!

  • Remember, attracting a candidate is just as much about your company culture as the job role itself. Make sure to include points that make you seem desirable too!
  • Add photos that show off your office space, team events and your team having a great time.
  • Maybe you could include a video of some team members explaining why they love coming to work, or why they like their role.
  • Include a grid of attractive perks with some nice illustrations. Maybe you have unlimited holidays, or you have an attractive parental leave cover - show off!
  • Why not embed your company's Instagram feed to give a IRL overview of the day-to-day.

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